Day: September 18, 2020


Tips to Prevent Dry EyesTips to Prevent Dry Eyes

All contact lens wearers have experienced eye dryness sooner or later. One of the measures to consider is to observe the situations in which this occurs, as a large proportion of these dry eyes can be avoided if appropriate measures are taken such as using Hylo artificial tears (lagrimas artificiales Hylo). The following are some useful tips to prevent dry eyes:

Position the Screen Below the Eye

If the screen is above the eye relief, you tend to start your eyes more to see the screen more clearly. If the screen is below your eyes, it is relaxed and reduces dry eyes.

Know Your Surroundings


Whether you live in the hills, the city, or another airport, the air in these and many other areas can be very dry. Consider closing your eyes regularly to reduce the total reduction in moisture to your eyes. You can take an extra bottle of your choice to moisten your lenses when they dry.

Try Wearing Sunglasses

Think about wearing sunglasses, although normally you wouldn’t, if you notice that your eyes dry more often than you would like.

Avoid Smoking


This is simply because smoke removes moisture from the surrounding air while drying family members and eyes simultaneously. Smoking can also cause long-term adverse effects on the eyes, such as glaucoma, cataracts, and blindness.

Avoid Air Blowing Directly into Your Eyes

Each of these consequences, one of many, can dry contact lenses and dry the eyes within minutes, resulting in a very uncomfortable break from the day.

Use Eye Drops Regularly

This will keep you ahead and avoid unnecessary problems later on. Consider wearing wet drops before removing your lenses. This way, the lenses are well hydrated and can be removed more easily and safely.

Proper eye care is essential for healthy vision. Although these are great tips on how to prevent your eyes from drying out at best, it is important to talk to your eye care professional for correct instructions and a good fit for your glasses and contact lenses.